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Zapraszamy do aplikacji o stypendia American College of Surgeons (ACS).

Towarzystwo Chirurgów Polskich we współpracy z ACS będzie rekomendować polskich kandydatów do stypendium.

Poniżej znajdą Państwo szczegółowe informacje na ten temat.

April 2014

TO: Presidents and Officers Directors of International Surgical Colleges and Societies

Esteemed Colleagues:

I seek your cooperation in publicizing the availability of the international scholarship opportunities offered by the American College of Surgeons. The International Relations Committee of the College asks that the requirements for these programs be widely distributed and we appreciate your kind cooperation.

One of the newest programs designated for international surgeons is the International Surgical Education Scholarships program. This program provides participation at the annual Clinical Congress, plus a tour emphasizing visits to U.S. and Canadian surgical institutions with ACS-approved surgical education qualifications. Applications are now being accepted for this program for attendance at the 2014 Clinical Congress. The closing date for receipt of applications and all supporting documentation is 1 May 2014.

Scholarship requirements and the application form may be accessed from:

Since 1968, the American College of Surgeons has offered International Guest Scholarships (IGS) to outstanding young surgeons from countries other than the United States and Canada, who have demonstrated strong interests and accomplishments in teaching and research. Applications are now being accepted for the International Guest Scholarships for the year 2015. The closing date for receipt of applications and all supporting documentation is 1 July 2014.

Each Scholarship offers a stipend of $10,000 US, participation in the Clinical Congress, and the expectation of visits to several U.S. and Canadian clinical and research sites of the Scholar's choice. A mentor will be assigned to assist the Scholar to plan his or her tour.

Scholarship requirements and the online application form may be accessed from: (English) (Spanish) (French)

Several of these scholarships have special designations. The Niarchos Foundation International Guest Scholarship is dedicated to a Greek or Greek heritage surgeon. The Dr. Murray F. Brennan IGS is designated for a surgical oncologist, preferably from Australia or New Zealand.

Also, the International Relations Committee is announces the Community Surgeons Travel Awards program (CSTA) for 2015. This award also assists international surgeons to attend the annual Clinical Congress, but places less emphasis upon their academic and publication achievement for eligibility and is open to a greater age range. This program offers a stipend of $4,000, and includes attendance and participation at Clinical Congress, gratis admission to several postgraduate courses and a mentor to provide advice. The application deadline is 1 July 2014 for Year 2015 awardees.

Program requirements and the online application form for CSTA may be accessed from:

Please direct questions to Ms. Kate Early, International Liaison, via email, at, or at the College’s airmail address.

With many thanks for your kind assistance,

Patricia L. Turner, MD, FACS
Director, Division of Member Services

Kate Early, MA
International Liaison and Scholarships Sections
American College of Surgeons
633 North St. Clair Street
Chicago, IL 60611-3211
312-202-5281 (office)
312-202-5021 (facsimile)

plikiInformacje na temat stypendium American College of Surgeons

Jak zostać członkiem TCHP?

Dowiedz się, jak możesz zostać członkiem Towarzystwa Chirurgów Polskich ...


Informacje ogólne o TChP

Celem Towarzystwa Chirurgów Polskich jest:

  • szerzenie zdobyczy nauki wśród chirurgów,
  • zachęcanie i wdrażanie chirurgów do pracy naukowej,
  • współdziałanie w organizowaniu ochrony zdrowia i doskonaleniu chirurgów we współpracy z Izbami Lekarskimi,
  • promowanie i ułatwianie kontaktów z ośrodkami chirurgicznymi w kraju i zagranicą,
  • ...

Czytaj więcej ...

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